Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday Notes

There is a war going on - What have you done today to strengthen your armor and fight for what is right?  What have you done today to be on the Lord's side?

RS Broadcast & Dinner

This past Saturday was the Relief Society Broadcast.  Mom & Amy came with me & Brittany, it was such a nice event!  The evening started with a dinner served by the Stake Priesthood Leaders.  The dinner and dessert was very yummy!  There was croissant rolls, salad, pumpkin ravioli's (super delish), chicken cordon blue, green beans w/candied pecans & a cream filled donut type dessert w/strawberry & chocolate toppings.  Then we moved to the chapel for the broadcast, the talks were very inspiring just like I expected they would be.  It's so neat that we get to hear so often from a Prophet of the Lord that loves us and shares wonderful messages with us that are just what we need in these difficult times.

Birthday Girl

Today is Kailey's 8th Birthday.  She has been SO excited and looking forward to this birthday for so long now.  Every time the conversation gets brought up she beams from ear to ear.  She has been looking forward to getting baptized with so much excitement!!!  She also can't wait to start going to activity days, so many fun new changes for her.  Her baptism will be on Sat. Oct. 23rd.
Kailey did the FHE lesson tonight on the Holy Ghost, she did the whole thing herself and did such a great job!  At the end she did a game that the kids had lots of fun with where one person's eyes were covered, then one person pretended to be the Holy Ghost and another person pretended to be Satan.  They had to try to listen to the right voice to reach their destination.  It was a very effective game that got the point across.
For Kailey's birthday dinner tonight, I made her favorite - crepes with strawberries & whip cream.  I made two batches, the kids will eat these non-stop until I quit making them!
Before the girls went to bed Kenny took Kailey & Ashlynn out for ice cream.

6 eggs
2 1/2 cups milk
1 tsp almond extract
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups flour

Blend everything in a blender until smooth and cook on griddle at 300.  Cook on both sides like a pancake then put sugared strawberries and whip cream up the middle, roll and eat.  YUMMY!  We eat it for dinner, but it's probably considered more of a dessert...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Beehive

Kierstin is the newest Beehive in our ward.  Proud Mommy moment...
She completed her Faith in God Award and is already on her way to achieving goals in the personal progress program.  She is such a beautiful girl, and has such a sweet spirit.  Still my lovey dovey and so caring of everyone around her.  What a blessing she is to Kenny and I and her sisters.  She is a great example and such a big help around the house, I can always count on her.  She loves to cook, likes plays/drama, and likes to make people laugh.

Don't Eat Frank

Love the game "Don't Eat Pete", brings back great memories of my Grandma Cope's house where she would play that game with us.
Don't Eat Frank Game
Prepared Not Scared (one of my most favorite blogs) just posted a version of that game for Halloween called "Don't eat Frank".  They are super cute cards!  I'm going to laminate some and send them in with bags of M&M's to the girls Halloween parties at school (though I think it's called a "Fall Party" - give me a break...).  Then I'll also play it with my primary kids, they should have fun with that.


Kelsea won her tennis match today - Woo Hoo - Taking after her mother no doubt!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Naaman was Healed

Kierstin did FHE this past Monday.  She used the handout I had given my class at church on Sunday.  She had the whole family role play the story of Naaman being healed from leprosy.
I thought it was so creative how she had Naaman (Kelsea) wash in the river Jordan 7 times.  We have this blue play tunnel that has a large spring inside that makes it open to full size.  She had Kelsea step inside the tunnel then she raised and lowered the tunnel 7 times.  What a great idea!

Surfin' the Web

LOVE these...
Prepared Not Scared  check it EVERY day!
SugarDoodle my new favorite thing for help with my new calling!
Livestrong My Plate great way to keep track of what you're eating, your exercise and setting weight goals.
Amazon  what can I say?  I love to shop on this site, free tax and shipping gets me every time.  That and the fact that I can get such good deals on most things.


I made this for dinner last night (I made several changes from the original recipe), definitely a keeper, the kids and hubbie loved it and it's a perfect addition to the 3 month food supply - BONUS  

Goulash (recipe from

1 pint canned beef
4 cups dry pasta (any kind you prefer)
1/2 cup dehydrated onions, added to pasta to rehydrate)
3 cloves garlic – finely chopped
1 tsp paprika
salt and pepper to taste
14 oz can green beans – drained
11 oz can corn – drained
1 can diced tomatoes (do not drain)
1 to 2 TBS Worcestershire Sauce
Cook & drain pasta (don't forget to add onions or rehydrate in water and add later)
Add everything else and stir well.

Cookie Dough

Thanks to Carol Scott's post on FB, I'm now making enough cookie dough to eat some now for a "snack" and have some later so we can have pizzookies for dessert tonight.  YUMMY!!!  Hmmm I think the family will be singing praises tonight...  LOL

Make your favorite cookie dough
Cook in jumbo sized muffin tins until they're almost done (you want the center to be a little gooey)
Straight from the oven put a large scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and you have perfection!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup butter, softened
1 egg
1 teaspoon almond extract (a note on almond extract - I get this from smart & final, it's real extract.  I also add this to pancakes & waffles with a bit of cinnamon a small change with a big taste improvement)
2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup nuts
12 oz chocolate chips

Heat oven to 375.  Mix sugars, butter, egg and almond extract.  Mix in baking soda and salt.  Then flour (dough will be stiff).  Stir in nuts and chocolate chips.  Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake 8-10 min. or until light brown. (center will be soft).  Cool slightly; remove from cookie sheet. 

Just the Weather

What a beautiful day we are having here in Arizona!  LOVE IT!!!

Scripture Class Highlights

There are only two teams, either you're on the Lord's side or you're not. Either you're with Him or you're against Him...

From the Ensign, August 1978
When you ARE feeling the spirit:
*You feel happy, calm, and clear-minded
*You feel generous
*You wouldn't mind everybody seeing what you're doing
*Nobody can offend you
*You are eager to be with people and want to make them happy
*You are glad when others succeed
*You are glad to attend your meetings and participate in Church
*You feel like praying
*You wish you could keep all the Lord's commandments
*You feel in control of yourself
*You think about the Savior often; you want to know Him better
*You feel confident and are glad to be alive

When you are NOT feeling the spirit:
*You feel unhappy, depressed, frustrated
*You feel resentful of demands made on you, you are selfish
*You are easily offended
*You become secretive and evasive
*You avoid people and are critical of family and Church
*You resent the success of others
*You don't want to go to Church
*You find commandments bothersome
*You feel you can't control emotions (hate, jealousy, anger, lust)
*You hardly ever think of the Savior
*You get discouraged easily

I choose the Lord's side, I don't want to aid the adversary in his plan.
Who are you becoming?  The clock is ticking, if you aren't on the road to the person you want to be, NOW is the time to make the change and get on that road.  The time is now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I LOVE to get packages in the mail!!! I mean come on who doesn't???
Right now in fact I'm waiting for an Amazon package to come - Love AMAZON (free shipping & no tax)!
Waiting for 3 books (Yearning for the living God:Reflections from the Life of F. Enzio Busche, Sarah:Women of Gensis, and Lemon Tart:A culinary mystery) and also a french fry potato cutter. They should be here on Thursday, trying to wait patiently...

I also really love to open the mail, doesn't matter whose mail, just like to open mail. Kenny is always telling me that it's a federal offense of something official like that when I open his mail (he used to work in the military post office in the beginning of his Army career) - LOL - like he's not going to let me see his mail anyways. I'm just saving him a step ;)


Can be such a simple thing, yet have such a huge impact on the flow of the evening! I go on kicks when I make dinner every night, I'm on track with my meal planning and grocery shopping every week. Then a bump in the road comes along and sends me into a tailspin. I find all the sudden we are picking up something for dinner every night or having cereal night or mac-n-cheese. Then I've had enough and I'm back on track again. I actually enjoy cooking and really love to make dinner for my family. I like to feed them food that they like and that I know is good for them. I also know how much they appreciate and love it when I cook, because they tell me constantly (that's about the time I realize I'm off track LOL). The evening also goes so much smoother when I already know what's for dinner or better yet have it in the crock pot ready to eat. In all actuality dinner doesn't take long at all to prepare, it's just thinking about it earlier in the day so I know what I plan to make, that's half the battle. It seems backwards, but so many times picking up dinner really doesn't help you out as much as you think it's going to. Don't get me wrong it's nice every now and then, but the trade off to me really isn't worth it.
Now date night dinners, that's a whole different story ;) Most definitely I want to enjoy eating in a restaurant environment where someone else is cooking and serving me delicious food, but that's a whole other topic...

Pop-Up Tent Trailer

Our latest family "love". We had been borrowing Kenny's friend Daniel's the last few times we went camping. What can I say? Kenny has been bugging me for years to buy one but until i stayed in one I really never grasped how truly wonderful a camping experience can be. A few weeks before Labor Day we decided to take one last camping trip for the summer. Our kids Love to go camping! They get to ride the quads, go fishing with their Dad, play with their cousins and run around doing whatever they want while Mom is busy playing card games and relaxing. LOL
So we decided to buy our own trailer for this trip and I'm SO glad we did. We ended up finding a wonderful deal on one that was a great shape for only $1800. We love it! It has a lot of really nice features, and the bonus is that we were able to pay cash for it so there was no debt to come home to after we got back from the trip (love Dave Ramsey).  We also decided that this was helping us to be better prepared, if there ever came a time when we had to just pack up and leave we could actually hook up the tent trailer and we'd have a place to sleep at night that is already furnished...
My parents and Amy and her kids were able to spend Labor Day weekend with us in our new favorite camping area just North of Forest Lakes. The weather was beautiful, I'm so grateful for family and the time we get to spend together!

Weight Loss

Summer was great fun this year, we spent most of it on vacation in one place or another and in the end I ended up putting on some unwanted weight...
When the kids went back to school I decided to get my bootie in gear, start eating healthier and try to lose some weight. Between eating better and running 4 miles a day/3 days a week I was able to lose 15 pounds in only 6 weeks which I was VERY excited about!
THEN... I got sick and had to quit exercising :(
THEN... I finally started to feel better and was going to get back on track and my neck seized up like it did about a year ago. I ended up spending a full week in bed. Without being able to exercise and eating like crap during that time I fully expected to have put some of the weight back on and start back up again when I got better.
WELL... Kenny and I went running last night, it was the first time I had been able to run in 3 weeks! I did great, I only went 2.25 miles but it was a good run. I'm so glad to be getting back on track.
The BEST part... My body actually maintained my weight loss over the past 3 weeks so I don't even have to back track like I thought I would have to. I can just get back on track with eating better and continue the exercise and hopefully I'll start losing weight again. I would love to lose another 15 pounds. Of course Kenny thinks that's too much but I think it'll be perfect. I'm actually very happy with my body right now, my clothes are fitting so comfortably it makes me feel so skinny when I get dressed, it makes me smile every morning! But I'm a girl and I always want a little more if I can get it. So I'm shooting for another 15 pounds. The other reason I'd love to lose the additional weight is so that when we go on our trip/cruise in March I won't have to worry about putting on too much weight while I'm on vacation ;)


Kenny did DDI's (Daddy Daughter Interviews) with the girls this past Sunday. He's been doing these for a few years with the girls now, they really love those appointments as does he. They both get to learn so much about each other. Sometimes I wish I could be a fly on the wall so I could hear all the cute things they tell him. Kids always say the cutest things, too bad you can't just bottle all that up!
I love Kenny is such a good daddy to his girls! They have him wrapped so tightly around their little fingers it's ridiculous though...
I guess the same could be said for me though, he treats me like a princess all the time even when I don't deserve it. You could definitely say that Kenny loves all the girls in his life and would do anything for them no matter what sacrifice he would have to make. He always puts us first, we are so lucky to have him for all eternity!

Valiant 9

I got a new calling last Sunday. I'm the new teacher of the Valiant 9 class in the senior primary. At first I was a little disappointed because I really didn't want to be in primary. I've never felt like much of a "kid friendly" type person, except of course with my own kids or those of my family or close friends.
However once I let it sink in a little and pulled up the first lesson I actually found myself getting excited to teach this past Sunday. I have had a heightened interest lately in the scriptures and found myself more interested than before in Sunday school lessons etc. Well, that is exactly what these lessons are, they are studying the Old Testament this year. Very different than the fluffy lessons that the junior primary gets taught about love one another or telling the truth etc. Not that those aren't good lessons that they need to learn, but I believe that Heavenly Father really had my needs and my current interests in mind when I was given this call.
The kids are good kids and they were so excited with all the new things I shared with them on Sunday. I made each of them their own journal with their names on them and passed them out at the beginning of class. I told them they could jot notes or thoughts down during the lesson and that I would also give them a few minutes at the end of class to write what they had learned about that day. I'll give them their books at the end of the year and they can keep them as a scripture journal. They were all so excited and actually wrote in them, even the boys! I also set up a chart for them to memorize a monthly scripture, bring their scriptures to class and teach the lesson as an FHE to their family. When they do these things they can collectively as a class earn enough points to meet the goal. When they do I'll bring each of them their own plate of cookies to their home which they thought was super cool.
I love and was able to find some really neat things on there that I let them glue into their books that had to do with our lesson, I also was able to find a powerpoint presentation that someone had done on the lesson which they really enjoyed, it included pictures as well as a few primary songs. I'll be using those each week too, a big hit and made teaching much easier.
Never thought I'd say it but I'm really grateful for my calling in primary and I'm really enjoying it!

Lunch with Mom

I was able to have lunch with Mom today, it was so nice. We ate at Jason's Deli and had a chance to just chat. I LOVE my Mom!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rebekah - by Orson Scott Card

I am so loving these books and learning more about these characters! I read this one in a few days and am now waiting for the fedex driver to bring Sarah to my door...
Rebekah (Laban's sister) story is a great one!

Rachel & Leah - by Orson Scott Card

Thoroughly enjoyed this book! Loved learning more about Rachel, Leah, Jacob, Laban and so many others. I read through this book so quickly, it gave me new insight on these characters. I went out and go Rebekah the following day.

Pizza Buffet

This was a great idea! I'm trying to take more pictures since I hardly take pics anymore, but I forgot my camera :( I NEED to do better with that!

Yesterday dinner at my parents house was a pizza buffet, everyone was asked to bring two homemade pizzas. It was so yummy!!!
It ended up with most people hovering around the kitchen island to make sure they got a piece of the next pizza out of the oven. Served with a crunchy salad and pumpkin pie for dessert. Definitely a HIT!

Armor - by Kim B. Clark

Currently reading this book and really enjoying it!
It's a great resource for our fight in this rough world we live in. Both for ourselves as well as the children that we are raising.
Ideas I've been pondering so far...
**The scriptures "teach us & help us beyond our CURRENT understanding - because they are the word of the Lord they can speak to us in new ways that are JUST WHAT WE NEED for the challenges that FACE US NOW.
**Ideas that help - 1)Finding strength in the Lord 2)Spiritual armor (putting on the whole armor of God) 3)Standing for truth and righteousness.
**Just "getting by" is NOT what the Lord has in mind for us. We have been called to "build" the kingdom.
**We are actively engaged in a spiritual battle!
**To become Latter-day Saints - we must develop the qualities of meekness, humility, charity & patience - we can do this through the power of the Atonement

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ice Cream & Cookies

My two most favorite desserts - most any flavor will do.
The ultimate ice cream dessert is "Cool Carmel", thanks to my Aunt Deanna for sharing that recipe with me!
The only cake that can pass the test is Costco's Lemon Cooler Cake.

Cool Carmel
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Oatmeal
2 Cups Flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 Cup Chopped Nuts
2 cubes melted butter
Vanilla Ice Cream (in square paper carton is easiest)
1 jar Carmel sauce

Mix everything except ice cream and Carmel sauce on a cookie sheet and bake about 10 minutes at 400 degrees. While hot, separate with fork until pan of crumbs. Let cool. Sprinkle 1/2 crumbs on bottom of 9x13 pan. Drizzle 1/2 jar caramel over crumbs. Slice rectangular box of vanilla ice cream and place on top of crumbs. Sprinkle remaining crumbs on top and drizzle remaining caramel. Freeze.


What can I say - I'm a list writer!
I love office supplies and I write lists for basically any task that I need to accomplish.
I love to organize and come up with new "programs" for daily tasks. Sometimes the planning takes longer than the time the actual program survives, but I still enjoy the benefits routines give to my life. Without them I wouldn't be able to keep my anxiety at bay so I can actually enjoy the journey.

Clean Laundry

Nothing says I LOVE you to your family or yourself for that matter than CLEAN LAUNDRY!
I love the smell of the house when I'm doing laundry and I love the smile that sneaks across Kenny's face when he opens his drawer and smells his fresh clean clothes in the morning.

Scripture Class

I love going to scripture class! The lessons from Nancy Crouch are ALWAYS amazing, she is most definitely guided by the spirit and has a talent for bringing up ideas that cause me to ponder on the most important things in this temporary life that I'm trying to do my best with. It's great to relate and know you're not alone as the insights and experiences from the women in the class are being shared. I also Love that it happens to be on Wednesday, just when I need that extra push to ground myself in the things that are the most important. I always walk away feeling renewed and knowing that I can do anything.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scripture Class Highlights

Quotes from today...
We are always faced with choices. It is OUR choice HOW we react.
ACT, don't REACT
Changing your attitude can change everything!
Have the idea in your mind that you "get" to do things, not that you "have" to do things
Know the will of the Lord, then DO IT! Are our desires in line with what the Lord wants?
Is IT in you?
Righteousness is power. - Elder Neal A. Maxwell
One of the sisters also shared a comment that really made an impression on me. Her husband had recently been with co-workers that learned that he was LDS. Normally the next statement is "oh so you don't drink alcohol". That wasn't the case with this man, his comment was "oh the LDS women are some of the most beautiful I've seen". She reflected on that statement with her husband asking if he thought it was because they live a clean life in regards to the word of wisdom and chastity etc. He replied no that the glow and countenance of LDS women shines and shows true beauty because of their knowledge of who they are! We are all Daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us!